Monday, April 02, 2007

What Did It First Mean?

Exodus 7:14-25

I don’t think there will be a lot to be gained from examining the plagues in great detail. So I’ll just let you know that the next OJ post will take in chapters 8-10 (no, I won’t copy all that into the email version!).

The present passage includes the message that will be the main refrain through the plague story: “Let my people go.” The purpose of the events is to let Pharaoh know who Yahweh is by his powerful effects. Some aspects of this first plague are a bit puzzling, like what water was left for the magicians to turn into blood?

Much of the imagery found here comes back in an even more powerful way in the Book of Revelation. It is used there to depict a more cosmic struggle. The Exodus story would be retold first by children of Israel, and would encourage them in their contemporary struggles. The Book of Revelation first encouraged early Christians suffering for their faith in a resistant and hostile world. Neither the Exodus plague story nor the Revelation to John, however, is easy reading. Access to both begins with the question I’ve just addressed: Who were the first readers and what did it mean to them? This is a useful question to ask in allowing any Scripture to address us. The answer will usually come only with the help of some resources – such as those found in the notes of a good study Bible. You might wonder why God wouldn’t make his Word more readily accessible, but the benefit of having to do a little digging is that we get to know more of the humanity through whom God has spoken, and we get to share these questions together and grow in connection with others as well as in our understanding and discipleship.

This week I will launch Open Source, which will be a bi-weekly (Tuesdays and Fridays) email (by opt-in*) and online offering in which I will share my own study and reflection in the Word, in preparation for messages at Knox Church. My hope also is that you will have a part in that process of preparation, and the messages will actually become the product of a community.

*I will send out the first couple of entries to my Open Journal list. But I will continue to send it after that only to those who indicate they want to receive it.

Lord, thank you for your Word: your eternal Word of creation, your living Word in Jesus Christ, and your written Word bearing witness to both. In Him. Amen.

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