Friday, April 20, 2007


Exodus 16:13-36

There is little attention given to the gift of quail. The manna was thought of as falling from heaven, just as the dew was thought to come down on the ground. The name probably comes from what the people asked: “What is it?”

Each person who gathers for his tent is told to collect what each person could eat in a day. When anyone tried to keep it for another day, it went foul. There was one exception, with two days’ worth coming on the sixth day. The next day’s portion could be preserved. The manna could be baked or boiled. It had a look like coriander seed, and tasted like wafers made with honey.

God commands Moses to preserve one day’s worth of it in a jar in order to bear witness to the future generations. This underlines the message of mercy and provision on God’s part, and trust – in God’s provision for each day - from the human side.

The manna is a great miracle, but it does not in itself sustain life that is an eternal gift. There is bread from heaven that is yet to come (John 6:32-33).

Each day brings disturbing events in this world, Lord; some too great to comprehend in the scope of the hatred they embody. Give us each this day the sustenance of nourishment and love we need to live and offer what you intend. Through Christ. Amen.

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