Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Shifting Balance

Exodus, Chapters 8 - 10 (link goes to chapter 8, then click single arrow for next chapter)

As you read through plagues 2 to 9 in chapters 8-10 you can notice an weakening of Pharaoh’s resistance and increasing resolve and insistence from Moses.

The balance is seen to be tilting with the plague of gnats when Pharaoh’s magicians cannot duplicate the phenomenon (8:18). With the plague of flies there is a new separateness put in place that works to the advantage of the Israelites (8:22), a development that builds with the plague on the livestock (9:7). With the plague of boils, the fall of power of the Egyptian magicians is pretty much complete because they are themselves incapacitated by the boils (9:11).

The announcement of the plague of hail brings another new development: there is an opportunity for protection before the onslaught (9:19). We move further to actual negotiations with the plague of locusts, which is described extensively. The negotiations turn on who is to be included in the journey, and the dangerous vacillation of Pharaoh’s heart increases (10:20).

Through all this Moses concedes nothing. Pharaoh says he doesn’t want to see his face again. Moses could well respond that that’s kind of the point (10:28-29).

Now we’re set to head into the origin of the celebration of Passover. I just want to observe that this topic for Open Journal at this time in the calendar is the Lord’s timing; not mine. I didn’t plan it this way.

Thanks and praise to you, great God; that your ways and plans and thoughts are so far above ours. Increase our wonder in your mysteries, all the more because you give us glimpses of your purposes in everyday life. Through Christ. Amen.

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