Friday, April 13, 2007

Miraculous sea crossing

Exodus 14:19-31

The essential elements here are the initiative and hand of God, the impact of natural elements, and assigned human agency (Moses stretching out his hand).

Scholars comment on a blending of two traditions in the telling of the sea crossing: one which emphasized ‘natural’ events, and another which emphasizes what is more obviously miraculous. I say ‘obviously’ because it is miraculous either way. It seems to me, moreover, that the climax of the story is not the physical action itself, but the acknowledgement by the Egyptians of the Hebrew God – they even say the Name (verse 25). Recall from yesterday that this was the point of rearranging the itinerary, so that the Lord could bring about a series of events that would compel the Egyptians to see who is the real power, and that he is who he is, and will be who he will be (Exodus 3:14). This event is the equivalent of the burning bush for the Egyptians.

By the way, the NIV follows traditional rendering in calling the water the Red Sea (13:18). The Hebrew is actually translated “sea of reeds” but nobody can agree on what water this refers to. All that really matters is that it refers to a significant body of water that was in the way.

You initiative and power, human agency, and present conditions and circumstances: all part of what we do in your name, Lord. Help us give due consideration to each, with your initiative and power over it all. Through Christ. Amen.


redsaucer said...

when i was in cairo last month, i led a small hootenanny with my banjo and gave praise to god with this rollicking song:

if i could i surely would
stand on the rock where moses stood
pharoah's army got drownded
oh mary don't you weep

oh mary don't you weep don't you mourn
oh mary don't you weep don't you mourn
pharoah's army got drownded
oh mary don't you weep

moses stood on the red sea shore
smacked the water with a two-by-four
pharoah's army got drownded
oh mary don't you weep


mary wore three links of chain
and on every link was jesus' name
pharoah's army got drownded
oh mary don't you weep


god gave noah the rainbow sign
no more water, fire next time
pharoah's army got drownded
oh mary don't you weep


one of these days about twelve o'clock
this old world is gonna rock
pharoah's army got drownded
oh mary don't you weep


Jim Kitson said...

Did anyone get video of this? Or photos?