Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fear Factor

Exodus 13:17-22

A lot of things fear tells us not to do, we shouldn’t do. There’s courage, and then there’s stupidity. That’s just a qualifier for what follows.

Verse 18 notes that Israel set out “armed for battle.” The reason the Lord led them in a round about way is not stated to be that they were not well enough armed; it was that they might turn back if faced with a fight. What follows, however, indicates they have a lot going for them beyond their own strength. Taking the bones of Joseph would be a clue that what is happening is part of a divine plan, since Joseph foresaw this happening (Genesis 50:24-25). And I kind of think if we were going somewhere and a column of smoke and of fire was going ahead of us, we might think something unusual and special was going on. We’d video it and put it on YouTube.
Still, fear has a mind of its own. I get scared in simulation type rides, even though I know I’m not going anywhere. Even when the angels spoke to the shepherds and said not to be afraid, they probably didn’t stop having the feeling. What it means when we get messages from God not to be afraid is that we don’t let our fear stop us.

Lord, be especially present with kids who struggle with ‘dares’ and knowing what’s brave and what’s just stupid. Let us all not shrink from what you want us to do, knowing that feeling fear is not weakness. Through Christ. Amen.

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