Monday, May 01, 2006

Father Abraham

John 8:31-41

The identification of Abraham as father goes back to God’s promise to Abraham that his descendants would be a blessing to the whole world (Genesis 22:17-18). In time, the responsibility that went with this was crowded out by a sense of entitlement. That’s not to pick on Israel; it is an entirely human reaction. Against an attitude of entitlement, John the Baptist observed that God could make a new generation of Abraham’s descendants from the stones (Matthew 3:9). Tragically and horrifically, ensuing centuries have seen reaction against the literal children of Abraham go way over to another side altogether.

The point is anyone can be a spiritual child of Abraham. Anyone can receive the promise and purpose of God in faith – going forth into new territory in his service without knowing the details of how things will work out. When we truly live in the Word we never know where that may take us. Abiding in the Word is what really matters. The stress in the present passage is on doing works that are evidence of that life in the Word of promise.

God of Abraham, where are you taking me today? I don’t know. I have my plans; you can change them. I have my stuff; you can take it all away. I do the occasional good thing; who is really the author? I have my life – you grant to me to be steward of this journey. Thank you. Amen.

1 comment:

redsaucer said...

i like that prayer very much.