Thursday, May 18, 2006

Insistent Truth

John 11:45-57

The high priest spoke God’s truth without realizing what was coming out of his mouth. What he meant was they should kill Jesus in order to preserve the way things were, and particularly their place of privilege. He meant that it was worth one death, of this troublesome Jesus, in order to preserve the world they controlled. It is doubly ironic that he speaks “as high priest” (verse 51). You would expect him to speak God’s truth, and he does, though unwittingly.

What is the divine truth in his words? It is an echo of John 3:15-17. He will die in place of sheep of the fold of his birth-people and “other sheep” (John 10:15-16). In fact he came to seek the lost sheep, those who have no part in God’s family. The people of the flock around him, of whom the Pharisees are leaders, at least know the God of Abraham, and they have made much of that. But Jesus came to die for the whole world. The divine meaning placed in the words out of the high priest’s mouth have both a meaning and scope far beyond what he intended.

This is a sign that God can work through even forces that appear to be against him and his purposes, because he is already at work in those forces without them knowing. For those who love truth, there is always hope.

Truth will prevail.

God, your ways are astounding. You work in ways I could never imagine or dream of. Save me and all of us from our cleverness and pride. We know nothing in comparison to you. What we imagine to be good and important is puny compared to what you dream for us. We tackle only what we figure we can do and ignore what you can do in and through us. Transform my mind, will and character everyday to be more like your Son. In Him, Amen.

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