Friday, May 19, 2006


John 12:1-8

The objection here missed the point, even if the objection had been genuine. If she had not poured this expensive perfume, the real-life alternative likely would not have been for Mary to sell it and give the proceeds to the poor, but to use it for herself, which is likely why she had it in the first place. She did what she could, she took the resources that she had, to show her humility and awe and gratitude toward Jesus for his priceless offering to her and all of humanity. Anyway, if we start by devotion to Jesus, we are also inescapably and gladly led to care for one another, since he died for all.

What do we do in response to Jesus’ self-offering to us?

Whatever you can do, do it.
Invest your all in it.
Now would be a really good time.

Lord, help me see something I have overlooked in offering to you. Let me give my all to you and your purposes, and not just sometime. Amen.

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