Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Scandalous Service

John 13:12-20

The phrase “lifted up his heel” was probably a saying alluding to what a horse does just before kicking. This brings an added dimension to the demonstration of humble service. The disciples – and all of us after them – are charged to do likewise. That is, we are to consider no position or task too lowly or menial in the service of the Gospel. But it goes even deeper as we recognize that Jesus washed the feet of Judas and included him in the table fellowship, even knowing what Judas would do. Even more, he wanted the disciples to make a point of remembering all this and acting accordingly. The task of being a messenger is mixed in with all this, too (verse 16).

As with yesterday’s reflection, then, I would say we need to just stare at this a bit to get that there is much more here than a simple lesson about serving one another. That’s basic; that’s minimal! That’s just a warm-up to the depth of Christian service and mission, both being included here.

If we do good to those who love us, that’s wonderful. If we share the Gospel with those we care about, that’s great. If we also actively work and pray for the well being of those who drive us crazy, that’s closer to Jesus’ model (unless we do it in such a way as to impress people with how wonderfully gracious we are!). If our prayers for the salvation of others, and for opportunities to be God’s instruments of that, include those who have done horrible things, we’re getting closer to the scandalous, dangerous, turbulent core of Christian life and mission.

Lord, save us all from a Christianity that is merely of comfort. Amen.

1 comment:

Katrina Urquhart said...

I think there are many who would argue the validity of this prayer, and the concept of scandalous service. I believe many would stand up for their comfort. Having not experienced that comfort, I'd not be among them. But I do know comfort is a mighty temptation.