Monday, May 08, 2006

Through the Gate

John 10:1-10

Earlier in John’s Gospel we find Jesus describing himself as the bread of life and the water of life. Here those who go through the gate that is Jesus find pasture.

There are those like the thieves and robbers described here who do not have the best interest of the sheep in mind. Last week at The Life Worth Living group at Knox there was discussion about the tainted flavour to the words “evangelical” or “evangelism” because of “evangelical” TV preachers who have seemed to have more interest in money than the well being of their TV flock. It was further expressed that such a “flock” has no chance for any sense of community except for a common one-way connection to the preacher.

Reminder to the preacher/teacher: Authentic Christian teaching and preaching can take no short cuts around the Gate. What such preaching/teaching will do is serve to grow the experience of mutual love between Jesus and his people (I emphasize “experience” since the love from Jesus is of course already fully there), and the people one for another in that love that first comes from God.

Lord, humble me with joy at the privilege of being a sub-shepherd. Amen.

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