Tuesday, September 19, 2006

No Shame

Genesis 2:24-25

What is to explain the powerful drive toward sexual union? The answer of this text is that we began as one flesh, so have a desire to be joined together. This is a drive that overtakes even ties to the parental home. Sexual union is part of creation.

Shame and all the other angst that can be part of sexual relations is a sign that creation as it was intended is out of kilter. There are powerful drives and emotions here, which may be partly to explain why the church historically has had such a problem dealing with it. Sexual sin seems to have a special obsession. I mean, when was the last time you saw a news report about a church body having extended debate about poverty or the environment, to the same extent we end up debating sex stuff?

The sex stuff is important. As the preamble to the marriage vows in my church observes, “Marriage is a sign of the kingdom of God on earth.” The drive toward union may be a sign of the God’s intended design to bring all things together in him. Physical sex is like fire – vital and beautiful within God’s design, but dangerous and destructive when taken out of context, particularly when it becomes pornographic. That is to say, when the drive itself is what is focused on instead of being part of a relationship. That leads to the objectification of persons, leading often to the linking of sex with control and violence.

Sexual relations are where issues of trust become particularly important. Sexual sin is serious because it invariably involves – and perhaps may even be defined by – a betrayal of trust. The gift of sex is best celebrated, on the other hand, within a relationship of complete trust and growth together, in which two people can be naked together in every way, and not be ashamed.

God of love, you lavish on us an extravagance of all kinds of gifts. Among them is this gift of great pleasure. You are a God who intends joy for us in our service and friendship together in all kinds of ways. You truly are great and to be praised. Thank you. Through Christ. Amen.


Katrina Urquhart said...

"The gift of sex is best celebrated, on the other hand, within a relationship of complete trust and growth together, in which two people can be naked together in every way, and not be ashamed." I've never phrased it as clearly but I've always held that as an ideal. And yet, I've obviously never held out for it as I don't think i've really truly lived it. Pondering that....

redsaucer said...

one of the first love songs i wrote, for karen in the early 80s, was called "i stand naked before you." i think the verses were inspired by a sermon at the church we were attending at the time, a time long ago and fractured. funny how, although we've been divorced for over a decade, we still live in the same town, and talk about our kids almost daily, and we admit we share a lot of common values.

but does that make us a community? how diverse is our community? how do we define our community?

my current girlfriend and i were discussing community a few hours ago. she belongs to some community groups which suffer paralysis because the members don't share common values, and everybody wants something different.

perhaps, a great leader, a great motivator, is one who reminds us that under our different clothes we are all naked, together and unashamed.

redsaucer said...

the other thing i want to say about community and its diversity is that i went to bed a while back, and i got up again , drawn to this little blog almost out of obligation, but not burdened so. jim is writing marvelous posts, and i'm so glad we can write responses, or just read them and talk about them when we meet each other after church or small group.