Thursday, September 21, 2006

Analysis, Concepts and Shame

Genesis 3:1-7

There is something new here in that this is the first language about God. The serpent (not a phallic symbol or Satan but more like the first theologian) presents himself as knowing something about God. The first question posed contains a lie within a truth. There was a prohibition but it wasn’t about all trees. In reacting to this the woman exaggerates the prohibition.

The language of calling and loving response has turned to analysis and calculation. From here on, and with this as on ongoing psychological reality, joy becomes an elusive part of human experience. It seems we weren’t designed to analyze but to respond to and enjoy the divine presence. With analysis there is distortion, and the relationship of trust with God is fractured and guilt is born. Guilt has its own weight. Shame is its twin. Instead of just experience of God and one another as a matter of community and joy, we begin to have concepts. Instead of just being the reality without thinking about it, nakedness becomes a concept. The concept overlays the reality and it is something to avert our eyes from. To be naked with one another in body, mind and spirit becomes a problem. Over to you, Leonard Cohen.

Renew me in purity of conversation with you, Lord. Amen.

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