Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Genesis 2:1-3

Creation came into being through gracious speaking. Now God provides for the creation’s reflection on life as a gift. Sabbath rest remains a reminder that life does not depend on us and our self-seeking. It may come as a shock to some of us that the world will not fall apart if we bring a halt to our endeavours. The word relies on God’s Word and God’s commitment, not on us. It’s a way for us to say, “It’s not about me.” It is, beyond that, a welcome break from every effort we might be inclined to make to remake the world, the people around us, the organizations we’re part of, in our own image. Some of us need to be relieved of the burden of thinking nothing will work right without our stamp on it. The world has already been made, and claimed. Praise God.

Remind me that observing Sabbath rest is more than just showing up for worship. Let me truly rest, let go, shun the normal things of the week, get back to what it’s really about, and be remade. Let my every prayer be a Sabbath moment. Through Christ. Amen.

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