Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Making a Place

Genesis 1:6-8

On the second day God made the “expanse” or firmament to separate the waters above the earth from the waters below. At the time of writing people thought of the sky as a kind of upside down bowl made of hammered out metal. Attached to this were the lights regulating day and night.

Although we see the physical world differently now, the most basic reality is the same. As in the other days of creation, we see creation as living and able and willing to respond to the voice of the creator (“Let there be …”). The recurring refrain that God saw that it was good is the cue for subsequent life and living as a matter of worship and celebration. It expresses that life is a matter of God’s calling and the creation’s (including us) joyful response. What a vibrant view of what life is about!

The separation of the watery chaos is the beginning of the establishing a place for God’s creatures to enjoy his love. And one variety of his creatures will have the great privilege of being able to respond to him in intelligible ways: ways of worship, growth, service and echoing the whole response to others.

God, we know of so many who think they don’t matter, that there is no place for them in this world. How that must sadden you. Use us, use me, to spread the word in every way about what you have done, and live out your actions in what we say and do. Through Christ. Amen.


redsaucer said...

re: "And one variety of his creatures will have the great privilege of being able to respond to him in intelligible ways: ways of worship, growth, service and echoing the whole response to others"

it is quite possible that other varieties also worship god in ways that are intelligible (intelligible to god, and perhaps intelligible to each variety). our particular variety may never know.

for me, there's something meet and right to think of the whole of creation as singing the song of creation to the creator

Katrina Urquhart said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhh thank you Peter.

redsaucer said...

"if every tongue was still
the noise would still continue
the rocks and stones themselves
would start to sing:
Hosanna Heysanna
Sanna sanna ho
Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna"

Jesus Christ Superstar

Jim Kitson said...

The Stones Will Cry Out

...The stones will cry out,
The seas will all shout,
The skies will sing praise about you...

(c) 2006 Jim Kitson