Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Way of Nourishment

Psalm 1

At the centre of this psalm is the image of the tree that is fulfilling its purpose in life, by taking in water, growing foliage and bearing fruit. Its purpose, in other words, is not just to be ‘productive’ but to be nurtured, be clothed in beauty, and bear fruit as a consequence of other aspects of its purpose. Like the tree, we will prosper in the way the Lord has in mind for us as we are rooted and clothed with him and his law – most generally understood as the design and purpose he has in mind for us.

Then we will not succumb to the progression of meaninglessness described in the opening part of the psalm: listening to the ungodly, getting caught up in their ways, and finally becoming one with the scoffers, who are really lost as the set themselves up in judgment of the Lord and those who find life in Him.

The conclusion of the psalm basically points out the obvious, but what should be underlined anyway: whatever we are rooted in now will have its inevitable consequence. Grace means, however, as we’ll discover in our journey through the Psalms, that a course can be changed.

Lord, thank you for this amazing worship book of Israel. Guide our journey through its outpourings, that we may be filled with you. In Christ. Amen.

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