Friday, September 07, 2007

Spirit and Love

1 John 4:13-15

I am concerned when we in the church speak as if fellowship is a condition for the work of the Spirit. Scripture indicates that our love for one another is a consequence of our receiving of the Spirit. And that means being led by the Spirit to follow the purpose and do the work God in Christ has given us. The work God has given us is belief (John 6:26-29). We can do nothing else as we are meant to do it unless and until we are first totally focused on simply reaching people for Christ, and then everything else must be specifically and clearly done as a part of that primary purpose. Authentic Christian fellowship and love comes in relentlessly pursuing that purpose, empowered by the Spirit in both energy and discernment.

We tend to seek a spirit of unity, whereas the Bible refers to unity of the Spirit (see Ephesians 4:1-6).

Let us continually seek life and renewal in your Spirit, Lord. Amen.

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