Monday, May 07, 2007


Exodus 20:3

The NIV text has a note at “before” indicating “besides” as an alternative translation. There is endless debate about this one preposition. What is clear is that this command acknowledges the tendency to treat other entities as gods. My take is that “before” (probably better than “besides”) is a matter or priority. There is one true God – other passages emphasize that. It is not the emphasis here. Here it is an emphasis of what we place first, what we worship.

It is easy enough – and important – to think of a list of suspects that today would be candidates for gods we might be in danger of putting before God: money, success, physical sex, drugs … What about some things we might not think of so readily as gods, like family, or country?

And let’s not forget the context right away: God is describing the life of freedom. We live most freely and responsibly (responding to what God has done in giving us such things) when we put God even before devotion to family or nation.

Lord, each day may we put you at the head of our tables, and at the front of our parliaments, assemblies, and executive offices. Through Christ the King I pray. Amen.

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