Friday, December 15, 2006

And we're part of it together

Genesis 29:13-35

The deceiver is deceived. Not only that, the trick on Jacob involves supplanting the younger with the older. Jacob had tricked his father and brother into giving him, the younger brother, the rights and blessing intended for the first-born son. Now the older daughter takes the place of the younger one. Once again we will understandably be troubled at the wheeling and dealing here involving human beings, and nowadays we frown on being married to more than one person at once (it’s tough enough being married to one, my wife would say). The deception on Jacob is all the more poignant because of the lengths of time he commits to, and because of his genuine love for Rachel.

From the union of Jacob and Leah came, eventually, a guy named Moses, a descendant of Levi (Exodus 2:1-10); and also King David, and Joseph, the husband of Mary, through Judah (Matthew 1:1-16).

Sometimes I just marvel at what a great story God writes.

Yes, God, you write a great story. But in the midst of it we have real experience, real pain, real fear, but also real love. Give us also real hope. We see you working in a timeline involving generations. Give us a real sense of fulfilling your purpose in the slice of time you have entrusted to us. Through Christ. Amen.


Jim Kitson said...

I have corrected Scripture reference to go to verse 35, end of chapter 29.

Katrina Urquhart said...

I'm not uncomfortable with his having two wives, given the times. He worked a long time but presumably would have anyway. Don't we all work most our lives?
I'm sad for Leah to not be loved. Sure his passion and lust were for Rachel (mind you three sons must mean he lay with her not infrequently), but Leah was faithful and devoted. Surely he could have shown her more genuine love. Poor woman.

redsaucer said...

names of advent.

(this reply is not directly related to this post.)

on saturday i met a child whose name is "isaiah." on sunday i found out that another child's middle name is "emanuelle."

in children i see the covenant that we are bound to: to fulfil the purpose of god and pass it on to the next generation. sometimes i think we need to connect with children more in our daily lives to be reminded of the importance and love of that covenant.