Wednesday, December 27, 2006

No Contest

Genesis 31:17-35

The visible drama is between Jacob and Laban. Laban has all the rights here. He would have every right to come down on Jacob, except for one thing: God, the real God, has spoken to him. That brings us to the real drama here, but the parties to the drama, God and Laban’s household gods, are so unevenly balanced as to make it no drama at all. The God of Jacob is directing things, even speaking directly to Laban. Laban’s family gods are hidden away, powerless, even sat on. They do not impact events. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is directing this scene, and all of history.

Lord, this year is approaching its end. All kinds of human dramas are being played out, for the most part oblivious to your oversight. Many gods are worshiped. They have no power except to add to misdirection, confusion and pointless contests. We resolve to point more passionately and compellingly to you, in living, acting, and speaking. Through Christ. Amen.

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