Thursday, October 12, 2006

Unchanging But Not Unmoved

Genesis 9:1-17

With his fresh resolve toward his creation, the Lord renews and strengthens the responsibility given humanity in the beginning. Along with that, he will consider every individual life with his/her blood of immense value to him. Even more, God hangs up his bow in the sky as a declaration that he is not at war with his creatures. On the contrary, he is unalterably committed to their well-being. As he remembered Noah, he will remember his covenant and those who are to benefit from it. To be remembered is to be honoured. As Red Saucer has pointed out, to re-member can be thought of as putting together. There’s nothing worse than being forgotten. In the midst of our troubles we view ourselves as forgotten: by others and by God. God remembers and makes a difference. He’ll pull things together. He is not unmoved by the flow of our lives or that of the world. God remembers. God remembers.

God, you know I’m always forgetting. I’m distracted and put off by many things. You are steady and unchanging, but now unmoved. Thanks for remembering each one of us today. Through Christ. Amen.

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