Monday, October 02, 2006

Not So Super, Man

Genesis 6:1-4

There was and continues to be a fascination with characters who combine super-human and human traits. They inhabit a realm in a view of the cosmos that is half-way between heaven and earth. The Bible’s initial vision of things does not allow for that (there will be only one who has such a place). Recent world memory knows of an attempt to establish a super-race. It was horrible.

This little section represents the overlapping of boundaries that God has set. The order of creation is fractured. It is an extension of the breaking of the direct conversation and relationship between God and humanity that we saw in Chapter 3, with humanity aspiring to knowledge, power and control that it can’t handle on its own.

At this point in the Bible story, the intended order of creation has been thoroughly shattered. God’s intent for his broken creation is now the big question. What will he do?

Lord, we know you are not a defensive God. How unlike humans you are! You are not offended for your own sake that we abuse the position of trust you give us in your creation. You are hurt because you know we are hurting ourselves. No parent wants to see his kids wrecking a good thing. Let us instead be part of your solution, in Christ. Amen.

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