Sunday, July 09, 2006

Gracious Invasion

John 19:17-22

The irony continues to the end. The title of king written over Jesus helps Pilate justify having Jesus crucified – suggesting he was an insurgent aspiring to kingship, even though he himself had tried to demonstrate Jesus was far from this kind of threat. Pilate would not have realized that Jesus could have chosen to be that kind of king. What is meant as condemnation and degradation appears as truth in a different light. His death between two criminals portrays his oneness with sinners. The languages the sign was written in help to indicate Jesus truly was and is a king for all peoples. In Pilate’s refusal to change the sign, he is used to show that Jesus actually did go to his death as a king.

Occupy my heart, King Jesus. Invade all our spaces. Assert your sovereignty over my thoughts and actions. You be king. Let me be more like you in your servanthood. Amen.


redsaucer said...

hi jim,

no one has posted a comment for weeks, but i've read every one of your posts. i look forward to reading them. thank you for taking the time to write them, and i hope to catch up sometime this summer and reply.

Jim Kitson said...
