Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Sinful Manipulatee

John 18:28-40

The enemies of Jesus were determined not only that he die, but that he die by crucifixion, and therefore as one cursed (Deuteronomy 21:23). We see here the irony of the enemies of Jesus fulfilling God’s purpose – with his Son receiving the curse that would justly fall on rebellious humanity.
Pilate just wants the whole business to go away. He has nothing against Jesus but will do whatever he needs to do to avoid trouble, so he goes along with the plot. When he asks, “What is truth?” it almost seems like he asks it as he is turning away, with the cynic’s attitude that truth has nothing to do with much of anything. Life is for him more a matter of expediency, survival. The truth is much different, and much more than that. Pilate’s question seems to me more than ever not a seeking of light but a symptom of darkness. Meanwhile the truth and the light is before him. And the darkness will not overcome it.

What elaborate schemes your creatures concoct, God. What twisting of facts, manipulation of circumstances and people your creatures put in motion in order to promote and preserve status, prestige, a sense of superiority, influence and control. Let your light overwhelm it all. Amen.

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