Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Psalm 32

Forgiveness is the invention of God. Our sin grieves him. It disappoints him, but it does not turn him against us. So think what it must mean to him when we actually, willingly, turn to him, trust him, confide in him, even though he knows what we are going to say, what we must say, if we are to be truthful before him.

This Psalm is all about being truthful, before the one who knows what we must say anyway. It leads to a recognition that we are really only who we are when we stand honestly before God. That’s not just because he made us to begin with, but even more because he remakes us. He knows what we are to be, what he has in mind for us. Only he can shape us toward that vision – imagine: God has a vision for you – and we do our part by being spiritually naked before him.

God, I am so grateful that I can utterly trust you with my inmost being. I don’t have to be guarded, I don’t have to worry about what I share with you, because you know it all anyway, even better than I do. Help us move toward that kind of trusting honesty with one another. Through Christ. Amen.

1 comment:

Kim Heinecke said...

About forgiveness:
"Nothing in this lost & ruined world bears the meek impress of the Son of God so surely as forgiveness" -- Alice Cary
How could it NOT be the invention of God...
good post.