Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Who may stand?

Psalm 24

We might prefer that the worshiper be seen as growing beyond whatever state his/her heart is in at the time of approaching worship, but this seems to require something more for entry into the temple (verses 3-4). Maybe we should see it, however, as something more personal than mere membership in a larger group. The worshiper is expected to examine his/her own heart, rather than being just part of a collective religious culture.

The occasion may be a procession to the temple with the Ark of the Covenant – which would explain what is meant by the entrance of the Lord into the Temple (verse 9). The overall effect that comes through to me is that a chunk of what worship is about is that we fully anticipate experiencing the presence of the Lord, and that cannot leave us the same.

I praise you, God, that what you require of me you empower me to do. You give me strength and support for how you direct me to live. Purify us all in heart, mind and bodily life, as we approach the celebration of your Son’s birth. In His name. Amen.

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