Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Difference

1 John 2:28-3:10

A sign of the ‘last hour’ (2:18) is the distinction between the true ‘children of God’ (3:2) and those of the world. The difference will be clear at Christ’s coming. Meanwhile, Christians should understand that this does not make us better than others. The difference is not of nature, but of conduct, according to what John goes on to say here. The difference in nature and being is between Christ and the world, not Christians and the world. We are enabled to live and demonstrate a different way only because of Christ in us. We ourselves remain sinful, but redeemed (meaning bought out of slavery by Christ). Our life as children of God depends on having made that once-for-all decision to welcome Jesus as Lord within us, and daily renewal in him.

Lord, let me never think of myself as better than anyone, but let me be more like Jesus today in his way of service. In him, Amen.

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