Thursday, March 15, 2007

And Yet Not Consumed

Exodus 3:1-12

Moses is shepherding the flock of his father-in-law as usual. What started out as a day doing the same old same old turned out to be something extraordinary.

The experience of the burning bush must not be reduced to psychological phenomenon. God heard and intervened in a decisive way, working through an individual to break a whole people from their past, with a new birth in mind. In keeping with calls to prophets to come, however, Moses is not merely a mouthpiece. God will both use and transform his person and character in the course of working through him. We should note this process for ourselves, since he still works the same way, even if the cause is not so spectacular for each of us.

Note also that God takes each objection Moses makes seriously. Beyond that is a promise and a sign (verse 12). The promise is that God will be with them, and that the people will worship him where the present sign, the burning bush that is not consumed, is given: a great wonder indicating the holiness and enduring presence of God (also providing the logo for the Presbyterian Church in Canada).

The purpose and power are from you, but you honour us by using the way you have made us for your purposes and extending your power. And where individually we are lacking you provide us with others with those gifts so we will work together. Make us watchful for your intervention in our time and place, so that in a personal way we can break from some painful, restrictive way we may have been experiencing, to new freedom and power for living in you. Through Christ. Amen.

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