Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sarah's Burial

Genesis 23

At this stage in Israel’s faith there is little or no ‘sacred’ significance attached to the events described here. Some even see comic relief in the transactions. The word “give” is used here a lot, but there is no intention of giving anything! Abraham paid quite a lot for the burial property when all the coy haggling was said and done. We also get a glimpse of the legal processes with the business in the gate and the witnesses and so forth.

At the outset of the dealing, Abraham minimizes his stature and the Hittites make him larger than life (verses 4-6). Think maybe there’s a negotiating purpose in this posturing? The vendor is leading into, “You deserve the best.” How many ads tell you the same thing!

The fact is, for the purpose of our larger story, Abraham is indeed both an alien and royalty. As are we all.

God, remind me that you are in the routine and ordinary as well as in what I find immediately meaningful and exciting. You are in the ordinary encounters I will have with each extraordinary person I meet. Through Christ. Amen.

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