Friday, June 02, 2006

This Is Glory?

John 13:31-38

The last verse we read announced, with Judas’ choice of betrayal, “And it was night” (John 13:30). This is loaded language in John’s talk. By what strange order of things does the next verse say, “Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him.”?

God’s glory is revealed not just with the resurrection, but with his stooping to endure the worst of human cruelty, hatred and betrayal, out of love. How can we not then love one another? The command to love others is not really new, but it is new coming in this way and in such a powerful situation. The command and the passion in it comes not just from the words but even more from the surrounding action.

Jesus, we think we’re being gracious to love others who have done stupid things to or affecting us. You loved knowing what stupid and mean things would be done by those you were dying for. You even died for those who perpetrated your death. You know every stupid thing I will yet do and still you love me. I resolve to live your command. Amen.

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